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This season one of the hottest hair trends is braids and plaits. Plaits provide an easy way to create a chic up-do. From boho-babe plaits, halo braids and sleek fishtail plaits theres plenty of different ways to style this trend. Don't know how to work the trend? I've put together some A-list inspiration showcasing some of my favourite looks.. 

Images courtesy of Glamour and Cosmopolitan 



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"I learnt that if I want to make any difference, or changes to my world, then I've got to be involved, we need passion – that's how things change." Eliza Doolittle - Bite The Ballot Ambassador 

Today is National Voter Registration Day, the 5th February. NVRD was created as a response to the lack of awareness and education surrounding voter registration in the UK. Every year this day is used to highlight the importance of registering to vote in the general election. This is something I feel really strongly about as I think it's so important to have your say and vote in the election.

Image credit- NUS 

Alongside this a new campaign, Bite The Ballot, is aiming to engage and inspire as many young people as possible to register to vote. Currently only one in four 18-24 year olds are bothering to vote which is crazy considering every aspect of our lives is affected by politics! So many young people aren't engaged in politics and it's so easy to say you have zero interest, but regardless of your interest, politics and policies affect each and every one of us. There's definitely a common misconception that so many young people think that their vote won't make a difference and by sitting back and choosing not to vote it won't make a difference to them. It's so easy to sit back and moan about things which could be changed if we all voted! The P nothing to be scared of, it can be our way of making a difference, as young people we're one of the most important voters. Really if you don't vote it gives you no right to moan about any of the policies put into place, and I'm sure we've definitely all had a moan at some point (tuition fees anyone..?!)

Everything from how much tax you pay, (we've all been there when the tax man has wrongly taxed you and you're told you've got to wait until April to get your hard-earned money back!) career opportunities, pub opening hours and housing to name just a few are all affected by politics. When it comes down to the policies the politicians write, they write them for the people who vote. So maybe this explains why as young people we experience so many problems which affect us such as zero hour contracts and house prices. As a young person I for one feel like the prospect of getting onto the property ladder is virtually impossible! Whereas because older people are much more likely to vote with 96% of people over 65 voting, policies which directly affect them such as pensions seem to be top of the agenda. I think it's so important for each and every one of us to register to vote and come voting day put our X in the box! You can now register as the age of 16 but you can't vote until your 18. All you need is your National Insurance number and follow the link here. Its so simple to register so do it now, don't let your voice be lost!

Images courtesy of Studio Scamps 

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