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Sport England launched their latest campaign this week, 'This girl can'. I saw the advert for the first time today and it really caught my idea and actually made me stop what I was doing and watch the whole advert. The advert aims to support and celebrate women in sport and activity no matter what age or ability. Within just three days the video had almost hit 1 million views. The campaign makes a refreshing change from the usual idea of female fitness and evokes a sense of body-positivity. The focus is on women being active regardless of their age or body type and no matter what level they are. Theres no pressure on loosing weight or being thin, it's simply about getting all women active. With 2 million fewer active women than men in the UK the advert is warmly welcomed. I think the advert is great, it shows real women doing real activities. The advert features slogans like "I swim because I love my body, not because I hate it". It's all about sending out a positive message about health and fitness, making activities fun. 

All images courtesy of Sport England

The campaign features women of all shapes, ages and sizes-it's not your typical 'thinspiration' ideals. The women that appear in the advert are REAL women aged between 14-51. They were just like you and me completely normal women who were streetcast to appear in the advert and have now become brand ambassadors. I think it sends out such a positive message to real women in the advert who aren't necessarily perfect and at the height of fitness. The advert shows women boxing, climbing, swimming, dancing, playing football, running up hills and cycling maniacally on spin bikes as if their lives depended on it. The advert doesn't aim to hide anything, flesh wobbles with cellulite on full display, heavy breathing with mascara running down sweaty, hair all over the place. There's no kind editing and airbrushing the advert is raw. For many women its the fear of judgement which stops them from exercising, telling themselves their too fat or not fit enough to go to the gym. The advert aims to reach out to women and make them realise that it's perfectly normal to feel like that and no matter who you are, you can get active. I love the advert and think its an amazing idea which really reaches out to each and everyone of us and gives women something to identify with. If you haven't seen the advert watch it below. To find out more about the campaign click here. 

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